Thank you for your business!!
You will Enjoy these freeze dried treats! So delicious and crunchy!
I have shipping available (shipping time 1-3 days) 😃🦋🍬

Dark chocolate dubai bar US$20.00
Milk chocolate Dubai bar US$20.00
White chocolate dubai bar US$20.00
Banana taffy US$10.00
Cotton candy taffy US$10.00
Circus Peanuts US$10.00
Space balls US$10.00
Fruit roll up sticks US$10.00
Air Puff Sticks US$10.00
Jolly Bites US$10.00
Star Crunches US$10.00
Unicorn rolls US$10.00
Fruity Dumplings (6pack) US$10.00
Fruity Burrito (5pk) US$10.00
Oatmeal Cream Pies!! US$5.00
Large caramel bites US$10.00
Snickers US$10.00
Twix bombs US$10.00
Caramel cold brew US$10.00
Crunchy Charlestons US$10.00
sour worms US$10.00
Rainbow sharks US$10.00
Sour puffs US$10.00
Warhead US$10.00
Peach rings US$10.00
Rainbow Bears US$10.00
Blue sharks US$10.00
Sour Berry worms US$10.00
Sour bears US$10.00
Blue Raspberry rings US$10.00
Butterfly US$10.00
Watermelon rings US$10.00
Sour pineapple rings US$12.00
Pink lemonade rings US$12.00
Pineapple gummy bears US$10.00
White strawberry banana bears US$10.00
Blue Raspberry bears US$10.00
Very berry space balls US$10.00
Froggies US$10.00
Cherry Coca-Cola bottles US$10.00
Large Berry Bites US$12.00
Small Berry bites US$9.00
Small Rainbow bites US$9.00
Large Rainbow Bites US$12.00
large sour bites US$12.00
Small sour bites US$9.00
Small sour berry bites US$9.00
Large sour berry skittles US$12.00
Rainbow bites 27 oz!!!! US$35.00
Old bay bites 🦀 US$9.00
Chamoy & tajin bites US$9.00
Rainbow Discs US$12.00
Sour rainbow Disc US$12.00
Pickle bites US$9.00
Tropical Bites Large US$14.00
Tropical Bites small US$10.00
Berry cheesecake bites US$12.00
Lemon puffs US$12.00
Redshots US$10.00
Honey balls US$12.00
Peanut butter & jelly bites US$12.00
Sour tropical bites US$12.00
Lucky charms marshmallows US$6.00
Peanut brittle US$8.00
Wild cherry gushers with pop rocks US$25.00
Cotton candy gushers US$25.00
Cotton candy gushers US$8.00
Large bubblegum gushers US$25.00
Small bubblegum gushers US$8.00
Chamoy & tajin gushers US$8.00
Sour Apple Flavored gushers US$8.00
Strawberry gushers US$8.00
Have to order minimum of 10! Regular skittles sample bags, customized saying on label. Different color bags hit add to cart x how ever many you need.

Please understand during shipments certain candies Are very fragile and can crumble. We are not responsible for what happens during shipment. Thank you very much.